Jiang Law corporation is a Family Law expert based in Richmond and serving the entire Greater Vancouver Area.
As Family Lawyers, we handle two broad aspects pertaining to family which are the different legal issues that can arise in the event of a separation or divorce as well as different types of legal planning that may be required over the course of living together as a family.
When a relationship breaks down, apart from the attendant emotional issues, there are other inevitable legal issues that come up which are best left for your Lawyer to handle such as; determining the value of assets owned by both parties and how they should be shared, resolving disputes concerning child and/or spousal support, in a case where children are involved deciding how parenting would be done going forward as well as who would have custody, valuing and sharing business investments as well as settling claims on assets and others acquired before the start of the relationship.
Family Law planning
Every family has to have a strong legal backing to avoid unnecessary conflict and ease decision making. Jiang Law corporation can help with the following legal documents such as preparing pre/post nuptial and cohabitation agreements, preparing documents to protect personal assets such as inheritances, gifts, trusts and claims as well as advising on wills.